Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
4/26/2022 - 5:00 PM  
Adoption of Consent Agenda  
Approval of Douglas County School District’s application for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Funds (Title funds)  
End Statements:
End Statement V Financial Well-Being
Financial Well-Being
Attachment #1: Douglas County School District's Application for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title Funds  
File Attachment:
DCSD Application for 2022-2023 ESSA (Title) Funds Summary.pdf
Summary :
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides supplemental funding for school districts across the country. Douglas County School District (DCSD) is eligible to receive an estimated $2,267,100 (estimated preliminary allocations) for the 2022-2023 school year. The funds must be used in compliance with the specific requirements of each Title program within ESSA law. Also, they must supplement, not supplant, a district’s general operating budget.

DCSD’s proposed uses of 2022-2023 ESSA funds emphasize:

Title IA – Supplemental funding focused on providing additional instructional time to address the needs of a Title I identified school’s lowest performing students and those students found to be at most risk for not meeting academic standards. Programming includes support for evidence-based programs and strategies, intensive instructional interventions (inclusive of additional FTE in the form of literacy and math interventionists at all Title I schools), behavioral supports which may be in the form of additional FTE at Title I schools; extended-time programs (after school tutoring and summer school programming), parent involvement, supplemental instructional supplies, and professional development for staff. Additionally, these funds support all services required by the McKinney-Vento Act for all district homeless students through the use of the Title I Homeless Set-Aside.

Title IIA – Supplemental funding intended to increase student academic achievement by improving educator quality. These funds are used for the direct support of professional development and coaching of teachers, paraeducators, principals and assistant principals, as well as any specialized staff positions (e.g. special education, ELL, GT, mental health, etc.). Funds provide for courses in a variety of areas as outlined in the Uses of Funds including paraeducator and supervisory training, literacy supports (e.g., Orton Gillingham, GT trainings, EL trainings, and a variety of MTSS (Multi-tiered Systems of Support) courses.

Title IIIA – Supplemental funding designed to improve the education of English Language Learners by helping these students learn English and meet challenging academic content and student academic achievement standards. The supplemental programming supports are inclusive of ELD instructional strategies and resources, tutoring, parent outreach, professional development for ESL and classroom teachers, coordinated activities with community partners to enhance learning for students, and SAT Prep in the Use of Funds summary.

Title IVA – Supplemental funding designed to support activities that provide well-rounded educational opportunities; improve school conditions for student learning (safe and healthy students); and improve the use of educational technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students. The supplemental programming supports suicide prevention and intervention training, restorative practices, support for low income students on advanced placement exam fees, and other supports as outlined in the summary.

The attached summary will be linked to the DCSD webpage at the April 26th Board of Education meeting. An opportunity for public comment regarding our district application for ESSA Title funds will be provided at the same meeting.
The Board of Education needs to approve the DCSD FY 2022-2023 ESSA Consolidated Programs Application for the use of these funds as outlined above under the Adoption of Consent Agenda.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Kate Kotaska - Chief Financial Officer
Signed By:  
Erin Kane - Superintendent