Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 1/14/2025 - 5:00 PM
Category: Study/Work Session
Type: Info
Subject: Enrollment Projections Update (15-Minute Presentation | 15-Minute Q&A)
End Statements:
Enclosure Attachment 1: 2024-25 Enrollment Projections
File Attachment:
2024-25 Enrollment Projections.pdf
Summary : Each year the Planning Department projects student enrollment. Projections are forecasted for the next five (5) years and are reported by grade for each school, high school feeder and area of the district. Projections include neighborhood, charter, alternative, and magnet schools. Staff and Western Demographics, Inc. will provide an update on 2024-2025 enrollment projections.
Recommendation: Information only.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Richard Cosgrove - Chief Operations Officer
Signed By:
Erin Kane - Superintendent