Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 2/16/2021 - 5:00 PM
Category: Adoption of Consent Agenda
Type: Action
Subject: Approval of Career and Technical Education Pathway Proposals
End Statements:
End Statement I - Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
End I-D
A diverse set of educational options are provided which enables students to pursue different post-secondary options (e.g. college, career and technology education, independent living, military or direct entrance into the workforce).
Enclosure Attachment #1: Alternative Cooperative Education (ACE) CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachment #2: Agriculture CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachment #3: Arts & Design CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachment #4: Aviation CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachment #5: Business & Management (BAM) CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachment #6: Construction CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachment #7: Cosmetology CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachment #8: Criminal Justice CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachement #9: Family & Consumer Sciences (FACS) Pathway Proposal
Attachment #10: Health CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachment #11: Info Tech CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachment #12: Manufacturing CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachment #13: STEM CTE Pathway Proposal
Attachment #14: Transportation CTE Pathway Proposal
File Attachment:
Signed_ACE CTE PathwayProposal IGA-E-2 (2).pdf
Signed_Agriculture CTE PathwayProposal IGA-E-2 (1).pdf
Signed_Arts & Design CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2 (1).pdf
Signed_Aviation CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2.pdf
Signed_BAM CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2 (1).pdf
Signed_Construction CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2.pdf
Signed_Cosmetology CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2.pdf
Signed_Criminal Justice CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2.pdf
Signed_FACS CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2.pdf
Signed_Health CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2.pdf
Signed_Info Tech CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2.pdf
Signed_Manufacturing CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2.pdf
Signed_STEM CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2 (1).pdf
Signed_Transportation CTE Pathway Proposal IGA-E-2.pdf
Summary : The following proposals to create defined pathways of study for District Career and Technical Education Programs have been reviewed, approved and recommended by appropriate staff:

~Alternative Cooperative Education (ACE) CTE Pathway Proposal
~Agriculture CTE Pathway Proposal
~Arts & Design CTE Pathway Proposal
~Aviation CTE Pathway Proposal
~Business & Management (BAM) CTE Pathway Proposal
~Construction CTE Pathway Proposal
~Cosmetology CTE Pathway Proposal
~Criminal Justice CTE Pathway Proposal
~Family & Consumer Sciences (FACS) Pathway Proposal
~Health CTE Pathway Proposal
~Info Tech CTE Pathway Proposal
~Manufacturing CTE Pathway Proposal
~STEM CTE Pathway Proposal
~Transportation CTE Pathway Proposal
Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Career and Technical Education Pathways and associated courses as presented under adoption of Consent Agenda.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Matt Reynolds - System Performance Officer
Signed By:
Corey Wise - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Anthony Graziano Moved, Member Kevin Leung seconded to approve the Original motion 'That the Board of Education approve the Career and Technical Education Pathways and associated courses as presented under adoption of Consent Agenda.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Abstain: 2.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
Ray D     Abstain
Christina Ciancio-Schor     Abstain
Anthony Graziano     Yes
Krista Holtzmann     Yes
Kevin Leung     Yes
Susan Meek     Yes
Elizabeth Hanson     Yes