Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 8/17/2024 - 10:00 AM
Category: Work Session
Type: Info
Subject: Executive Limitations (180 Minutes)
End Statements:
Enclosure Attachment #1: E 1 2 Book Ends Redline.pdf Attachment #2: E 1 2 Book Ends Clean.pdf Attachment #1: EL 2 Treatment of Students Parents or Guardians and Community Members Redline.pdf Attachment #2: EL 2 Treatment of Students Parents or Guardians and Community Members CLEAN.pdf Attachment #5: EL 3 Treatment of Staff and Volunteers Redline.pdf Attachment #6: EL 3 Treatment of Staff and Volunteers clean.pdf Attachment #7: EL 4 Planning - Items to consider moving to other ELs.pdf Attachment #8: EL 4 Planning - Redline.pdf Attachment #9: EL 4 Planning - Clean.pdf Attachment #10: EL 5 Communication and Support to the Board Redline.pdf Attachment #11: EL 5 Communication and Support to the Board Clean.pdf Attachment #12: EL 6 Commitment to Accomplishment and Accountability Redline.pdf Attachment #13: EL 6 Commitment to Accomplishment and Accountability CLEAN.pdf Attachment #14: EL 7 Educational Program Redline.pdf Attachment #15: EL 8 School Safety redline.pdf Attachment #16: EL 8 School Safety clean.pdf Attachment #17: EL 9 Staff Compensation and Benefits - Redline.pdf Attachment #18: EL 9 Staff Compensation and Benefits - Clean.pdf Attachment #19: EL 10 Budgeting - Redline.pdf Attachment #20: EL 10 Budgeting - Clean.pdf Attachment #21: EL 11 Financial Administration Redline.pdf Attachment #22: EL 11 Financial Administration CLEAN.pdf Attachment #23: EL 12 Asset Protection Red Line.pdf Attachment #24: EL 12 Asset Protection Clean.pdf Attachment #24: EL 13 student Accommodations redline.pdf Attachment #25: EL 13 Student accommodations clean.pdf
File Attachment:
E 1 2 Book Ends Redline.pdf
E 1 2 Book Ends Clean.pdf
EL 2 Treatment of Students Parents or Guardians and Community Members Redline.pdf
EL 2 Treatment of Students Parents or Guardians and Community Members CLEAN.pdf
EL 3 Treatment of Staff and Volunteers Redline.pdf
EL 3 Treatment of Staff and Volunteers clean.pdf
EL 4 Planning - Items to consider moving to other ELs.pdf
EL 4 Planning - Redline.pdf
EL 4 Planning - Clean.pdf
EL 5 Communication and Support to the Board Redline.pdf
EL 5 Communication and Support to the Board Clean.pdf
EL 6 Commitment to Accomplishment and Accountability Redline.pdf
EL 6 Commitment to Accomplishment and Accountability CLEAN.pdf
EL 7 Eductional Program Redline.pdf
EL 8 School Safety redline.pdf
EL 8 School Safety clean.pdf
EL 9 Staff Compensation and Benefits - Redline.pdf
EL 9 Staff Compensation and Benefits - Clean.pdf
EL 10 Budgeting - Redline.pdf
EL 10 Budgeting - Clean.pdf
EL 11 Financial Administration Redline.pdf
EL 11 Financial Administration CLEAN.pdf
EL 12 Asset Protection Red Line.pdf
EL 12 Asset Protection Clean.pdf
EL 13 student Accommodations redline.pdf
EL 13 Student accommodations clean.pdf
Summary :
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Debbey Quintana - Administrative Assistant to Superintendent
Signed By:
Erin Kane - Superintendent